Dana Pharant
If your audience is business owners, CEO’s, and other leaders, let’s bring them a fresh spin on what it takes to be a magnetic leader. As a Dominatrix, I learned the art and craft of owning a room and leading from a place of power – not the power over but power with. To ask for and get exactly what you want takes guts and of course mastery of your sexual energy (being magnetic, willing to negotiate and communicate
- Sexual energy for success
- How to negotiate like a Dominatrix to get what you want with no comprise
- The truth about the Dominatrix world – Hollywood has it all wrong.
- Balancing the masculine and feminine energies (yin/yang) within each of us (regardless of our gender)
- How to let your sexy shine without fear of a MeToo charge
- Does sexual energy have a place in business and more…
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