Antwan T Lawrence

Antwan T Lawrence


Serial Entrepreneur with deep knowledge across health, wellness, finance, technology, data, and sports. Follow me on IG @iamantwanlawrence to follow my journey to impact the world one business or individual/family at a time.


  • Health and Wellness
  • Finance
  • Technology
  • Data
  • Sports
  • Family
  • Kids


  • Health and Wellness
  • Finance
  • Technology
  • Data
  • Sports
  • Family
  • Kids

Interested in this guest? Drop your info below!

Justin Jacobs

Justin Jacobs


Justin Jacobs is an Authentic Discovery Coach that engages his clients in a thought-provoking and creative process to discover their natural strengths and talents, and then apply those to achieve their personal and professional goals.


He uses his decades of experience as a leader and mentor to help others take control of their lives, become their authentic selves, and be wildly successful once they get there!

Fun Facts:

  • He spent 22 years in the U.S. Coast Guard advising and leading military and industry professionals in multiple marine safety and homeland security missions.
  • He loves travel and has lived, worked, and visited 44 countries.
  • Strengths = Mystique (Curiosity), Trust, Observant, Nuanced, Logical
  • Enneagram = 1 – The Reformer and 5 – The Investigator
  • RBLP-T Authorized Training Partner


Justin can discuss coaching, mindset and mindfulness, transition, finding joy

in life, leadership development, leading large groups successfully,

working in inter-cultural environments, and discovering natural strengths and talents.


  • How did you successfully transition in mid-life after a 22-year career in the military?
  • How do you help others find their natural strengths and talents?
  • You say that most people live life on auto-pilot. What do you mean by that?
  • What is so important about self-reflection and/or mindfulness?

Interested in this guest? Drop your info below!

Just Followed Us on LinkedIn? Welcome!

Just Followed Us on LinkedIn? Welcome!

Hey, this is Fritz. And I wanted to personally thank you for following on LinkedIn.

(and if you haven’t yet and you’re just trying to figure out what the heck this is all about, this will answer that question. And then you should go follow us!)

Briefly: This is a service that’s built around coaches. All kinds of coaches. Anyone who is:

  • Known for expertise in any area…
  • …who makes their money largely by having conversations and building relationships, and…
  • …who wants to impact the lives of people around them…

That’s who we help.

The way we help is by building a carefully crafted podcast around that coach. That podcast actually is a smaller part of a bigger ecosystem, which includes:

  • Finding guests,
  • Screening applicants,
  • Scheduling and communication,
  • Editing the show,
  • Publishing the finished episode,
  • Designing show collateral,
  • Sharing to our clients’ social media channels,
  • Also giving the same collateral to the guest, so they can share on their social media channels,
  • Building a growing group of die-hard fans of the host,
  • Helping convert guests and listeners into leads and clients later,
  • And gathering feedback from the host, the guest, and continually improving the experience for everybody.

The only thing our clients should be focused on is having great conversations with people who vibe at the same wavelength. Those are the kinds of conversations that create great rapport, and lead to business later.

Everything else? It’s systematized, automated and delegated, to get a quick turnaround at a comfortable price point.

The Big Why is actually a combination of all kinds of things in my career. I’m a software developer, marketer, software tester, salesperson, podcaster, multipreneur, social media manager and automation expert. Combining all of this together just sorta happened organically, and it’s already making a big impact in a few coaches’ businesses.

But my big “why” for this? Personally, I’m tired of seeing solo coaches crash from lack of visibility. There’s nothing worse than having a dream to serve people, but not being able to make enough money to survive on that dream. It’s happened to some really good friends of mine.

But now? I want to do what I can to change that. I want to use every brain cell I have to help coaches like that to succeed, and make more of an impact than they ever imagined possible.

And I got here as fast as I could.

I’ve been podcasting since July 2019, and in that time, I’ve unintentionally made money, friends and partnerships via that medium, without really trying.

The secret is that podcasting immediately taps you into a massive pool of people that you wouldn’t have met the way you’ve been networking before. And even having a podcast creates an environment that attracts all kinds of people.

We take all that process, experience and technology, and focus it into something that will help you grow your coaching business. In a big way.

I’d love to see if we’re a fit for each other.

If you’re curious too: tell us a little bit about your business, starting with clicking the button below.

Auto-Qualifying and Disqualifying Guests

Auto-Qualifying and Disqualifying Guests

Hey, this is Fritz. One of the things we’re super careful about in the guest procurement process is making sure we find people that are the right fit for the show.

It starts with first designing a show that attracts the right people. From the show graphics to the description, we tune the language to appeal to the correct folks.

Next, we build a custom intake form for the client. With a list of questions designed to learn as much as possible about the guest so that the host is prepared, but also to help filter out who isn’t a good fit.

Because we find guests all over the place on, Reddit, LinkedIn, Facebook and other outlets, we need to be careful about who we let on.

Previously this is how we’d do it:

  • Design the show as above
  • Create an intake form with agreed-upon questions
  • Client gets an email for every applicant that fills out the form
  • Client sends a “YES” or a “NO” to us
  • We send the appropriate email to the applicant (get scheduled or rejection)

Now? We’ve streamlined much of the process:

  • Design the show as above
  • Create an intake form an agreed-upon questions
  • Add logic to automatically reject applicants that meet certain agreed-upon conditions–applicant receives a nicely-worded yet firm rejection that they’re not a fit for the show, but the client doesn’t receive an email at all (keeping their inbox nice and quiet).
  • If they’re not rejected then the client gets an email with all the details.
  • Client can then accept or reject with the press of a button

The important part here is: the client only receives an email if they’re a pretty good fit. And if they’re not? We talk about it and figure out how to automatically filter those people out so there are less of them in the future.

Everything about what we do is literally built to make it as easy as possible for our clients to have a podcast. Really the only thing we can’t do is the one thing they can, which is: interviewing guests and building awesome relationships.

If this makes you think you might want to take a step toward having your own show, with a minimum of fuss, then we are (biased of course lol, but) happy to learn more about your business. And we’ve streamlined a lot of that process too.

Click the button below let’s see if we’re a good fit for each other.

How podcasts make you money

There are a couple ways a podcast creates revenue. This one’s more unorthodox.

How podcasts make you money

Hey, this is Fritz. In talking with fellow podcast hosts and podcast producers, there seems to be a single way most people think that a podcast can generate revenue: through sponsorships.

It is an effective way to get money via podcasting. However, the biggest challenge with this approach is, you have to steadily build listenership of a certain kind of person, before sponsorship becomes possible.

Continue to get more and more people to listen to the show, so that you can go to sponsors and say,

Hey, I’ve got this many pairs of ears listening to my show, and a lot of them are in your target demographic. I’m more than happy to talk about your business for 30 seconds for X dollars per month.

Now it might take months or years to build that listenership. It might take dozens or hundreds of “no”s before you get your first “yes”. And all the while, every hour you spend working to get to where sponsors start saying “yes” more frequently, is an hour that’s not spent building your business.

Here’s a different way: turn your guests into clients.

Part of the service is building a show around you, as a coaching consultant. Whether you’re a business, mindset, fitness, meditation, leadership or any other kind of coach, if you’ve already proven that people are paying you for your advice, then you can make money simply by converting guests into diehard fans of you.

Each and every conversation you have is further cementing in the guest’s mind this phrase: “Wow this person really knows what they’re talking about.” And the questions that will work with you on to flesh out will help guide you toward helping the guest feel safe about opening up about their challenges–challenges that you know how to solve.

Plus, listeners of each episode will also hear your expertise, and may come to the same conclusion as the guest did. It’s a huge step toward taking on more clients.

And while your mileage may vary, technically you can start making money with your very first episode. Just takes bringing on the right guest.

Sponsorship is a way that you can make money with your new podcast. But it’s not the only way. We help bridge that gap so you can bring in fresh revenue doing what you’re already awesome at doing: having conversations.

If you’re ready to take the next step, click the button below and you can choose how you’d like to let us know more about your business and see if we’re a fit for each other.

Calculating Your Podcast ROI

A podcast should get you a return. Here’s how to go about…

Calculating the ROI for a podcast

Hey, this is Fritz. Personally, I found out by accident that hosting a podcast can lead to business. Either the guest becomes a client later, or people in their network are attracted to my business either by hearing the conversation, or through being referred to me by the guest. I didn’t plan on that. But I’ve figured out how to leverage that power, and then offer that same power as a service to others.

If the service offering looks intriguing, but you’re thinking, “yeah… but what’s the ROI on this?” then this post (and handy Excel spreadsheet) is for you.

There are two ways to get an ROI with a podcast, and it has to do with how it’s used as a SALES tool, and as a MARKETING tool. Sales is the 1-to-1 conversation that you have with a guest, whereas marketing is the 1-to-many outreach that happens later on both your and your guest’s social media channels.

So I’d like to invite you to download the ROI Calculator here and then follow along with me in this video to the right to see how this works.

Fitting for listenership

Not everybody’s going to love your show. That’s why we focus on…

Fitting for listenership

Hey this is Fritz. While some people may be gearing up to become the next Joe Rogan of the podcasting world, the fact is not everybody’s going to be a fit for your show.

Not everybody’s even a fit for Joe’s show, hard as that is to believe.

There are, however, certain people out there that would love to listen. And with nearly 8 billion people on planet Earth today (as of December 31st 2021 anyway), even a .001% of that is a lot of people.

For your show, of course you’ll want to make sure you’re having the right guests on (which we help with as part of any service package), but you’ll have 10x, 100x or even 1000x listeners to your episodes than you have guests. Maybe more!

The key is figuring out how to structure the show to appeal to your target listeners.

Your best listeners are going to be the ones most likely to make some kind of decision in favor of your business, after hearing some episodes.

You might want them to come to your site and join a mailing list. Or you may want them to use a coupon for a course. Or schedule time to chat with you. Whatever the Call to Action is for your show, the show first has to be built to attract those listeners, get them to tap Play, and start getting familiar with you and your expertise.

That’s why a big part of the questionnaire that we have includes questions about your clients. Who’s been the best client that you wish you could clone fifty times over? Those people indeed exist, and they probably behave pretty similarly to those awesome clients you’ve had before.

And they’re out there waiting to hear your show.

If you’re ready to start thinking about getting your own show up and running, with a minimum of fuss, that questionnaire is below. Simply click that can’t-miss pink button and spend a few minutes letting us know about you. This is the first step in the process, and we do it for FREE for you.

What “botlets” are

You’ve probably seen this word pop up on this site. Let’s talk about…

What “botlets” are

Hey this is Fritz. If you’ve been reading around in the blog you’ve maybe seen the term “botlets” come up. And if you’ve thought, “what the heck is a botlet?” then this post is for you.

A botlet is a very targeted piece of automation that does one thing really well. Whatever that thing is, that’s its sole purpose for existing.

While a botlet by itself can’t do much, when they work together in groups, amazing things happen.

One botlet is responsible for finding new recordings in the dedicated Dropbox folder that’s provided at every package level.

Another botlet finds the appropriate headshot of the guest.

A third botlet can extract the audio from a video episode.

A fourth and fifth can split the episode audio and fade out the end of the audio, respectively.

And there are dozens more.

When they work together, these botlets work tirelessly to get episodes published and promoted, along with all of the marketing collateral such as 30-second teasers. Sometimes it takes as little as 10 minutes to complete all this work!

Botlets save literally hundreds of hours of editing time, and are the reason a potential client said the price is a “no-brainer”. They’re why we offer this unique service at a price that’s affordable even for solopreneurs who want to get the word out about their business, while building awesome relationships with guests.

Botlets can’t show emotion, but if they could, they’d probably tell you they’d love to work with you to build your show. But the humans at need to know more about you and your business before we can make that happen.

If you’re ready to get the ball rolling, we can start for free. Just need to know a bit about your business and your goals, so that we can come back with some ideas about how to craft your show.

Anatomy of a great podcast

Not every podcast episode is awesome. Let’s talk about the…

Anatomy of a great podcast

Hey this is Fritz. Early when I started podcasting I admit, I fell into the “ego trap” of “all I have to do is make a show and people will come listen to it. Eventually.” Sort of borrowing the famous line from the movie Field of Dreams: “If you build it, they will come.”

Fact is: a lot of times they don’t. Not unless you know what makes a good one.

There’s something about a good show that makes it resonate for people. It’s what keeps listeners coming back. It’s been a long road but the lessons I’ve learned have 100% gone into, and now I’d love to share it with you.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is: People have notoriously short attention spans.

It’s no secret that our attention spans have dwindled in the last century. Technology has been training us–whether good or bad–to only have about 15-20 minutes of solid attention that can be devoted to consuming a single piece of content.

That can pose a problem for a podcast episode (which is a single piece of content). What do you do if you have a 30 or 60 minute episode and you want to keep listeners engaged and attentive?

Break up the episode into pieces.

For a 30 minute show, whether audio or video, it’s good to split it around the halfway mark, around the time that the guest is done saying something, and the host is getting ready to start talking again.

Fade out nicely, and then put a midroll segment in, with a different pace, little bit higher volume, and some music in the background. Change up what’s being heard and “cleanse the palate” for 30-60 seconds before diving back into the show. Fade back in and pick up where you left off.

For a longer show, such as a 60 minute episode, you can do this twice, ideally at the 20-minute and 40-minute mark, so you still keep it at that ideal 20-minute length per segment.

For video podcasts, you have more than just audio you can work with. Really good video podcasts will switch camera views between host, guest, and side-by-side. You can also get creative with the midrolls and include short videos or ads right there where they can be seen. It might also be good to tell listeners to, hey, come back to this Youtube tab, because you’re not gonna wanna miss what I’m showing you. You have the freedom to be creative about how to re-engage your listeners and get them to take some kind of action.

Also, for midroll segments, you can change up who is talking. If you’re a man and you have a woman voice over for your midroll segment, it’s a change in expectation and gets people to take notice. And then there’s another change when the next part of the show starts up, so you get to get ’em twice.

There are all kinds of ways to edit shows and experiment to find out what works well and what doesn’t. Most of these are things that our botlets do automatically–and more botlets are being built all the time.

If you’re ready to find out whether you’d be a fit for, and how it can bring more business to you, we’d love to talk! We can start for FREE with you filling out the form by clicking that giant pink button below, and we’ll find out more about you, your business and your goals.

Have your target clients eavesdrop

Finding your target clientele is hard. What if you could…

Have your target clients eavesdrop

Hey this is Fritz. I was getting lunch with my friend Ben at a Chinese buffet not too long ago, and we got to talking about work stuff. He was needing advice about how to pursue a different role in the manufacturing space, so I shared what I knew.

I’m a fast eater, so when I came back from getting more food, my friend and a total stranger in the booth behind us were having a conversation.

Turns out that our new friend was also in the manufacturing space, worked at a company right up the road from the restaurant, and had keyed in on what Ben was saying about manufacturing. There were some phrases we said that made this guy say to himself, “I should probably take action and introduce myself.”

By the end of the meal, my friend got a business card to reach out to the owner of the company and build some new bridges.

This connection was made by way of eavesdropping. And the same principle works great for podcasting.

Let me explain.

As soon as news of a new episode hits social media, all the algorithms that are designed to capture thumbs and eyeballs will set to work figuring out who should see what posts, and when.

One metric that algorithms use? How similar people are to the original poster.

Both Ben and our eavesdropping acquaintance happen to like Chinese food and be in the manufacturing space. They were both at the right place at the right time.

And with your guests, they likely run in similar circles. If they’re actually a pretty good fit for your services, then there might be near-carbon copies of them in their network, listening to your episode.

But unlike the example at the restaurant, we’re going to be intentional about getting those eavesdroppers to take action. If they just committed the time to listen to the episode, then right after they’ve gotten an awesome earful of expertise from you and your guest, that’s when you present the Call To Action.

Every package has one of those that’s created specifically for your show, and put at the end. The Call To Action (or “CTA”) is like standing up at the end of the conversation with a bullhorn and saying:

If you enjoyed this conversation between me and my friend Ben, thanks for your listenership. And if what we talked about sounds like something you can help with, stop on by and drop your business card in this fishbowl here, and he’ll get in touch. We appreciate you. Be sure to smash that Follow button.

Just, less awkward of course, but you get the idea.

The end goal of the podcast is to direct your target clientele to do something after hearing the episode. Whether it’s subscribing to the show, picking up a free resource from your site, scheduling a quick 15-minute consult with you, or anything else that would signal to you that they might be a person or company you can help. That’s the power of a great CTA.

But before we figure out what an awesome CTA looks like for your show, let’s find out about your business. If you’re ready to get the ball rolling, we can start for free. Just need to know a bit about your business and your goals, so that we can come back with some ideas about how to craft your show.