A Quest for Well-Being

Hosted by Valeria Koopman
Listen at: https://fitforjoy.org/podcast

Show Description

The episodes feature informative, inspirational, healing, and insightful conversations focused on emotional healing and spiritual awareness. This is a platform of collaboration created for the exploration of fundamental truths, enlightening ideas, and insights on what truly promotes well-being.

The aspiration is to uncover the meaning of well-being in our own human experience.
The intention is to promote spiritual awareness and inspire healthy changes.
The Quest for Well-Being podcast is a community of heart-centered humans who are contributing to their own happiness and inspiring us by doing so!

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A Call For LOVE

Hosted by Linda Orsini
Listen at: https://a-call-for-love.captivate.fm/listen

Show Description

A Call for LOVE invites you to nourish love for yourself and others. Love transcends time and space so together, we will invite gentle awareness into learning new tools to be present to any thoughts, feelings and actions that are keeping you separate from the infinite sources of love, kindness and compassion.

We will explore practices to help open your heart to giving and receiving love more freely and hear conversations to uplift and expand your consciousness. As the founder of Global Wellness Education, Linda’s passion is rooted in supporting your heart, mind, body and spirit on the journey to self-love through self-compassion.

If you’re not living a life of love for yourself or others, then there is A Call for LOVE. All love flows from self-love. Join the journey!

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True Man Podcast

Hosted by Mike Van Pelt
Listen at: http://www.truemanpodcast.com

Show Description

Welcome to the True Man Podcast. The True Man Podcast dares to explore the daily challenges facing men. We are all broken, all searching, and all looking for more of something in our lives. The True Man Podcast is an invitation to radical reconstruction of a man’s masculine heart and soul and a place of safe community where we dare to ask questions deep-seated in a man.

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Keep Hope Alive by Nadine Podcast

Hosted by Nadine Malone
Listen at: https://www.keephopealivepodcast.com

Show Description

Keep Hope Alive through the power of knowing who you are as a person and expressing self-love. Life is a journey and with the blank pages we create our story. The lyrics that we listen to in a song show and provide a sense of feeling that recognizes and helps us to understand how we feel. Our self-story can provide healing to someone else. And what better way is to share that experience through encouragement and the story we hold dear to our heart. No matter how life guides us we grow from each lesson. Our stories are never ending and there is an awakened soul that wants to blossom.

As a Certified Wedding / Event Coordinator and Life Coach I have seen all love stories unfold. My show is based on what hope keeps us alive. There are so many directions that we take in life. Each person has a different experience. That experience is something they have learned from and that want to provide the story that helped them get through. I want to bring those stories to life.

Where is the “Hope”? We look for what motivates us in life. We get inspired by good self-experiences. Don’t loose sight of what matters in life. Being heard means so much to people. To share a story, it helps brings peace and helps the person telling their story move on or come to peace what going on in their life.

Stories from the heart lead the path to a new journey. It’s a new beginning to help you move in the right direction. This is not a podcast to just tell stories – this is a creation from the heart to help others. Be yourself and enjoy what makes you the person you are today. Hope has endless possibilities.

Join in on candid conversations about life and love. Post any questions you may want us to cover also!

Our show is 45-minutes long. We will work with you on the steps to do a great show. Please note that this is broadcast and will be an interview with Nadine or you will be a guest speaker.

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