Exactly Zero
We’re a family of six in the St. Louis area who had a cancer scare back in 2012. But instead of it crushing us, it launched us into an amazing journey.

This show is all about the journey we’ve had in learning about clean living, good nutrition, and how we took a health crisis that happened in 2012 and turned it into something that’s ended up helping us and others get better control of our health. We ended up starting a business called Exactly Zero in early 2021, And, it’s strengthened our Christian faith on the way.
Our company, Exactly Zero, is blessing people all over the country with clean, toxin free products. We started making products for ourselves back in 2012 but in 2021 we launched this company. Here is one of the many markets we attend, and as you can see we’re a well-oiled machine getting things set up 🙂
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