Susan Rooks


I’ve been saving writers from typo embarrassment for nearly 30 years. Example: Sending out copy with pubic, orgasm, or manger in it when you meant public, organism, or manager. Yes, it happens, but there are ways to avoid that type of error, one that very few folks know.

I work on corporate blogs, annual reports, nonfiction/business books, podcast transcriptions, and web content as a collaborator, not a tyrant. I make suggestions (OK, sometimes I make strong suggestions), but I always know whose work it is. I admit to pushing hard for the Oxford comma, and I have some reasons for using it all the time.

My goal is to ensure that my clients look and sound as smart as they are!


  • Editing & Proofreading
  • Communication Skills
  • Succeeding on LinkedIn
  • DiSC
  • Podcasts


  • What is the biggest fear authors have when hiring an editor?
  • What are the first things anyone on LinkedIn should do?
  • What should everyone avoid doing on LinkedIn or any social media?
  • What are some common errors writers make and how can they avoid them?
  • How can we give positive feedback?
  • Are there some words to avoid if we want to suggest change?

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