Story Kit Masterclass

Enroll in this FREE masterclass to learn about:

  • The “Goldilocks” Zone for how much info to put in each media kit
  • How to quickly build on-brand media kits
  • Where to host them to get more eyeballs on them (and get more guest opportunities!)

Here’s the thing about one-sheets, or Media Kits: most of them don’t work.

Why? Well a podcast host either:

  • Has to weed through all the amazing details about you to find what’s relevant, or
  • Has to creep on your profiles to find enough info about you before a decision can be made

In either case, it’s likely they’ll just say, “no.”

Not because you’re a bad person, but because it’s too much work for them to make a good decision, so they err on the side of caution.

The strategy that we’ll focus on in this Masterclass is less about providing media to a host, and more about providing a story.

Enter the Story Kit.

A Story Kit is a unique tool that’s built to highlight a story within yourself that you can share with an audience, that’s also tuned to particular podcast types. And you should have multiple ones of these.

When a host comes along and sees exactly what their audience will get, and that it happens to be for the host’s show category, they’ll more likely say yes. And it’ll be easy for them to do so.

I’ll show ya how to make these 🙂

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Book your Masterclass now – and be sure to stay to the end for a chance to win some amazing giveaways!