Dan Toler


Dan holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Notre Dame, with a concentration in international relations. He’s an avid history buff and host of the Relevant History podcast. You can find Relevant History on any major podcasting platform, or at https://www.dantolerpodcast.com. Dan is a Roman history buff, but studies military history and geopolitics from all time periods. Outside of his interest in

history, Dan has also fronted a rock band, and earns a living as a freelance writer.


  • History
  • Military history
  • International relations
  • Geopolitics
  • Domestic politics
  • Writing
  • Music


  • How did the Roman Republic fall?
  • Why were foreign allies important to the success of the American revolutionaries?
  • What’s the craziest war story you’ve ever heard?
  • Why were the Carolean armies so successful?
  • ..and other similar musings.

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