The Perfect Mix

of Bite-Sized Learnings

A collection of trainings, by request, from multiple communities.

What’s a “One-Shot”?

Great question. When I get asked by a community to speak on a topic that’s helpful to podcasters, business owners, mindset practitioners, and more, I capture the recording, clean it up, and add it to my library.

That library is now available to you. For a price. A small one.

And it’s locked in for life even if I add more One-Shots later.

What You Get:

This service includes:

  • Access to ALL One-Shots compiled from workshops.
  • Locked in lifetime price no matter how many get added.
  • Topics include time management, podcast launching, two-step posts, and more!

What You Gain:

  • An eclectic mix of talks that were requested by other communities
  • Unfettered (and sometimes unhinged) access to my experience over the years
  • A living library of content that grows based on where I speak next!

Come with me on the journey!

Every good talk that ends up being One-Shot quality goes in the mix. The price goes up by $10 every time one is added.



About Your Coach

Michael “Fritz” Fritzius is the Founder of, and has been a podcast host since mid 2019. When he first got started behind the mic, he didn’t realize how powerful of a relationship-building tool that a podcast was, but once he started winning referrals and business from it, he became a believer.

Now with 6 shows under his belt, he’s distilled down the process to get the same result–structuring business offerings to combine with funnels and processes, to make it much easier to drive a business using a podcast.